A group of Democratic U.S. House lawmakers asked the Justice Department on Tuesday to probe allegations of antitrust behavior ...
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and 22 other Democratic Senators on Thursday asked the Attorney General to ...
Chuck Schumer and Senate Democrats call for prosecuting fossil-fuel executives.
A group of Democratic U.S. House lawmakers asked the Justice Department yesterday to probe allegations of antitrust behaviour ...
Major oil producers appear to be colluding with each other and foreign cartelsto keep prices high, padding their profits at ...
House Majority Leader Steve Scalise's campaign donations from a Big Oil PAC linked to price rigging accusations spark calls for accountability and investigations.
A group of House Democrats have called for a probe into the oil industry, accusing two of the largest U.S. energy companies ...
The US FTC banned Pioneer Natural Resources CEO from serving on ExxonMobil's board or advising the company as a condition of approving the merger of the two.
A group of Democratic US Representatives asked the Justice Department in a letter on Tuesday to probe "potential antitrust conspiracies" among US oil producers and the OPEC oil production group. Last ...