The Labour leader was pressed about whether his party would consider hiking fuel duty or capital gains tax to raise more cash ...
Two people are receiving treatment from paramedics following a crash between a car and lorry. The collision, which happened ...
An independent Scotland would focus on raising revenue rather than resorting to austerity, the First Minister has said. John ...
An average of all polls that were carried out wholly or partly during the seven days to June 12 puts Labour on 43%, 21 points ...
In the Liberal Democrats’ second broadcast of the General Election campaign, leader Sir Ed Davey called for ‘change’ to the ...
Convicted multiple murderer Lucy Letby was “caught virtually red-handed” by a doctor as she displaced the breathing tube of a ...
GMB Scotland members at the company’s Dalmore and Invergordon distilleries in Ross and Cromarty and Tamnavulin in Moray voted ...
Researchers hope that one day it could lead to improvements in a type of cancer treatment called immunotherapy.
The Tory former minister suggested ‘all conservatives must be prepared to come together to prevent a socialist supermajority’ ...
Co-leaders of the party Adrian Ramsay and Carla Denyer pledged to ‘mend broken Britain’ at the manifesto launch event in Hove ...
As the Green Party launched their General Election manifesto, other party leaders were out on the campaign trail around the ...
An average of all polls that were carried out wholly or partly during the seven days to June 12 puts Labour on 43%, 21 points ...