Tory MPs are "really unhappy" with the timing of the vote, with some texting Sky's political editor saying it was "absolute madness".
Campaigners have been calling for legislation to prevent other people from going through the same ordeal as the families of the Hillsborough disaster victims - who faced a long fight for justice due ...
The findings will be difficult to swallow for many pubgoers - as they come at a time when the price of alcoholic drinks is at an all-time high.
Stars including Raye, Bruce Springsteen, Lana Del Rey, Skepta and KT Tunstall have been honoured at the Ivor Novello Awards for songwriters, at a ceremony held in London.
A palace statement about postponing royal engagements due to the general election campaign has been described as "odd" and a "surprise" by a constitutional expert.
The child's parents, who are both in the UK legally, are having "sleepless nights" after officials told them she would need to leave the UK and re-apply for a visa from abroad after they took her out ...
Mohamed Nur, 34, admitted to cutting the neck of Johanita Kossiwa Dogbey in south London on 1 May last year. He was later found guilty of slashing three others in Brixton days earlier.
The planet, called Gliese 12b, is around the same size as Venus and will help scientists understand more about other Earth-like planets in outer space.
Bruce Springsteen has become the first international artist ever to receive the Ivor Novello Awards' biggest prize - presented on stage by a surprise guest, his friend Sir Paul McCartney.
Pictures show people being taken out on stretchers by emergency services - as the building collapsed is a popular restaurant in Palma.
With Westminster still reeling from the prime minister's decision to call a general election on 4 July, Beth, Jess and Ruth lift the curtain on what was going on in parliament as rumours started to ...
Ticketmaster's botched sale of tickets to a much-anticipated Taylor Swift tour in 2022 prompted US politicians to look into the company's dominance in the industry.