Scientists have studied puddle frogs to identify genetic variation hotspots and places where the climate crisis could wipe ...
Engineers who received public welfare responsibility training in classes are more likely to consider the societal impact of ...
Social justice movements often allude to the idea that "seeing is believing," meaning that if people are exposed to a given ...
The accelerated expansion of the present universe, believed to be driven by a mysterious dark energy, is one of the greatest ...
Today, optical microscopy is one of the most widely used methods in various multidisciplinary fields for inspecting objects, ...
A pair of NASA astronauts will try again on Wednesday morning to take a ride on Boeing's CST-100 Starliner, making its ...
Archaeologists have mapped 14 sites featuring the world's largest monumental engravings, proposing that they were created to ...
In a triumph for precision agriculture, researchers have pinpointed a tomato exocarp-specific promoter, unlocking the ...
In recent weeks, Southern Cryonics—the southern hemisphere's only cryopreservation facility, located in rural New South Wales ...
Forests are great carbon sinks—they absorb more carbon from the atmosphere than they release. Globally, forests remove nearly ...
A research team recently developed a sustainable and chemical-free superoxide (O2•−) generation strategy by integrating ...
Land degradation is a huge issue across the continent of Africa. One of its biggest drivers is biological invasions. This is ...