NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope entered safe mode May 24 due to an ongoing gyroscope (gyro) issue, suspending science ...
The goal of the C.12 Planetary Instrument Concepts for the Advancement of Solar System Observations (PICASSO) program is to ...
In the final Circumpolar Constellations installment, learn about objects in Cepheus, Draco, and Ursa Major, and how to find ...
Saturn and Mars meet up with the Moon, Jupiter returns at dawn, and tips for identifying some common objects seen in the sky.
This new image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows the broad and sweeping spiral galaxy NGC 4731. It lies in the ...
The mission team confirmed that the spacecraft came out of its close pass of the Sun, or perihelion, unscathed.
Exoplanets, planets outside of our own solar system, hold the keys to finding extraterrestrial life and understanding the ...
Sometimes a story about a NASA volunteer just grabs your heart and won’t let go. NASA Scientist Dr. Brian Day shared with us ...
A planet thought to orbit the star 40 Eridani A – host to Mr. Spock’s fictional home planet, Vulcan, in the “Star Trek” ...
SPECULOOS-3 b is a terrestrial exoplanet that orbits a M-type star. Its mass is 0.894 Earths, it takes 0.7 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.00733 AU from its star. Its discovery was ...
An analysis of data from Magellan’s radar finds two volcanoes erupted in the early 1990s. This adds to the 2023 discovery of a different active volcano in Magellan data. Direct geological evidence of ...
As extreme weather events increase around the world due to climate change, the need for further research into our warming planet has increased as well. For NASA, climate research involves not only ...