Nvidia looks set to blow past Apple to become the world's second most valuable company, right behind Microsoft.
The policy is full of good intentions but lacks a practical plan for implementation, an industry expert has warned.
Communications regulator Icasa will hold public hearings into contentious proposed changes to wholesale call termination ...
The feature is one of Apple’s more complex AI initiatives and isn’t planned for release until as soon as next year, when it ...
TechCentral will publish the final episode of season 1 of its popular TCS Legends show on Monday, and our guest is South ...
In March, the US, UK and New Zealand accused China of sponsoring malicious cyber activity in targeting democratic ...
It’s been a little over a year since the launch of Wipro Africa’s Cape Town office. Now, with the expansion of its digital ...
Masquerading as local news outlets has been the work of a disinformation outfit that researchers have named “Doppelganger”, ...