Attara, Dakka Sebbe, Nienanpela, Dioura, and Ouro Fer — these five Malian towns saw elders murdered, civilians tortured, and ...
China launched one of the largest military exercises in recent memory, nearly completely encircling Taiwan with dozens of ...
What would it take for someone to hack a tank? Modern Western militaries may well be about to find out. The militaries of the ...
Nigerien Prime Minister Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine pulled no punches in explaining the country’s decision to expel U.S. forces: ...
Welcome to Rewind & Reconnoiter. Each week, we'll ask one of our authors to look back at an article they've written for War ...
Welcome to The Adversarial. Every other week, we'll provide you with expert analysis on America's greatest challengers: China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, ...