The results of the weekend’s European Parliament elections may not have been entirely surprising, but they’re a shock to ...
The Auschwitz concentration camp was in Poland. An obituary in some editions Saturday about Holocaust survivor Tibor Hollo incorrectly said it was in Germany. Alden is an American brand. A Style & ...
PARIS—French President Emmanuel Macron said he was dissolving France’s National Assembly in a surprise move that scrambled ...
Right-wing parties put on a show of strength in European Union elections, prompting French President Emmanuel Macron to call ...
A day after a rescue operation that left scores of Palestinians dead, stances may be harder on both sides of negotiations to ...
韓国の尹錫悦(ユン・ソンニョル)大統領は4月上旬、自国経済が生き残るためになぜ半導体が最も重要であるかを、至極明瞭な言葉で説明した。 「今繰り広げられている半導体競争は産業戦争だ。国家間の全面戦争である」。ユン氏は政財界の関係者に向かってそう述べた。
Most readers by now have experienced the sticker shock when their latest auto and homeowner insurance policies arrive. The ...
It’s rare good news in a grinding war. On Saturday Israeli commandos rescued four hostages from two civilian buildings near the heart of Gaza’s Nuseirat market. It was a high-risk but well-planned and ...
Are university leaders finally waking up to the moral and intellectual rot around them? One hopeful sign came last week at ...