Holding a weapon in one hand and fixing her scarf with the other, Yasmine Youssef patrols one of northeast Syria's vast ...
Israel’s war cabinet is set to convene Thursday evening to discuss the escalation in the north with Hezbollah.
A fresh offering of shares in Saudi Aramco, the Gulf kingdom's largely state-owned oil behemoth, comes at a pivotal moment ...
The UN nuclear watchdog's board of governors has passed a resolution criticising Iran's lack of cooperation with the agency, ...
Israel's military pounded central Gaza with heavy air strikes on Wednesday as international talks to secure a truce and ...
Much of Jordan’s efforts to counter drug smuggling focus on the Syrian border, but Saudi Arabia remains a major destination ...
The kingdom is joining the Switzerland-based Bank for International Settlements' central bank digital currency platform.
Waving flags and many chanting anti-Arab slogans, thousands of Israeli nationalists marched through annexed east Jerusalem's ...
The International Atomic Energy Agency's 35-member board of governors has voted to censure Iran for the first time since ...
Israel's military pounded central Gaza with heavy air strikes on Wednesday as US, Qatari and Egyptian mediators planned to ...
Saudi Arabia is selling a 0.64% stake in its state energy company in a bid to offset rising debt and fund its economic ...
All eyes are now on the hard-line Guardian Council, which is expected to remove the vast majority of the 80 hopefuls, leaving ...