Consumers’ eagerness to consume content, and fickleness as to where they consume it, has led to the rise of the zombie ...
Firm’s latest survey of the managed services market revealed the pressures many partners are facing as artificial ...
Largest trans-Pacific submarine cable system boosts network capacity to support delivery of ubiquitous high-capacity 800Gb, ...
The Police Service of Northern Ireland denies claims that its anti-corruption unit used a standalone computer to ‘avoid ...
Acquisition of Servium adds more customers and greater software, hardware and services depth to Advania offering.
Ash Cooper never really had aspirations to be a CIO. He began work over 20 years ago in IT with a job in PC support, but in ...
A barrister who represented the Post Office during its 2018 High Court battle has said lawyers representing subpostmaster ...
A critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) stands out as the most serious issue ...
Tableau’s head honcho Ryan Aytay talks up Tableau’s efforts to bring more consumerisation and personalisation capabilities to ...
SSDs benötigen ein sauberes Management, um zu hohe Abnutzung oder Überbelastung zu vermeiden. Dafür gibt es Methoden wie ...
Ein KI-Modell zu trainieren, macht keinen großen Spaß. Die Vorteile sind jedoch unverkennbar. Die KI kann 24 Stunden am Tag ...
Microsoft has dismissed the idea its cloud licensing practices are affecting its two biggest competitors, but stakeholders claim the contents of CMA's latest working paper could signify a day of ...