More teachers using AI to grade papers, report says Chris Mattmann an expert in AI and machine learning talks about this ...
In an interview with FOX 11, Senator Alex Padilla is speaking out against President Biden's immigration policy.
A Sierra Madre man was surprised in his kitchen after a black bear wandered into his home. The man kept his cool and that ...
Dozens of World War II veterans from the US, UK and Canada are in Normandy to mark 80 years since D-Day.
The United States Postal Service is sponsoring Dog Bite Awareness Week to protect mail carriers. Los Angeles leads the ...
Rehabilitated pelicans returned to wild Nearly a dozen brown pelicans were released back into the wild, after more than 350 ...
"The leading cause of death for young people is drug overdose. Fentanyl is by far the cause of this," said Cranford. This ...
Yusuf Dewees has been charged with the murder of his son Baki Dewees. The baby was reported missing last month, leading ...
The mom of a 5th grade student at Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary said her daughter faced repeated racist bullying, and ...
Cyber Safety Cop founder Clayton Cranford warns parents about the dangers of early screen use and fentanyl.
Police are searching for the person who stabbed a South Pasadena grandmother in her 70s to death.
Man allegedly stabs parents at their home A man was taken into custody after he allegedly stabbed his parents, then held his ...