Though not at numbers seen in the 2022 outbreak, mpox cases are still circulating in the United States, largely among ...
Putting down that saltshaker isn’t only good for your heart. It may also help keep your skin healthy. A new study finds too ...
Despite recent concerns that taking Ozempic, Wegovy or other GLP-1 medications might be unsafe before a surgery, a ne ...
Long COVID continues to plague millions of Americans as the health costs of the pandemic linger four years later, a n ...
America's poison control centers are increasingly fielding calls on cases of deliberate or accidental poisonings that ...
Teenagers who are part of close-knit neighborhoods and families are less likely to have sex at a young age, a new stu ...
One in six patients serviced by a major California health care system said they used marijuana regularly, with many c ...
Common drugs used to control cholesterol, blood sugar and high blood pressure might also lower a person’s risk of str ...
Energy drinks might contribute to sudden cardiac arrest in people with genetic heart diseases, a new study warns.The ...
Higher amounts of the artificial sweetener xylitol might raise the risk of heart attack and stroke, a new study warns ...
An outbreak of salmonella illness linked to recalled cucumbers has now expanded to at least 162 cases in 25 states, U ...