Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki on Friday weighed in on Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua's sentiments on the ...
The Departmental Committee of Trade tabled its report on the contaminated sugar that mysteriously disappeared in Thika last ...
In a 5-day advisory dated June 8, the Kenya Met Director General David Gikungu predicted weekend rains in four regions: the ...
Kenya's giraffe population is facing a dire threat as poaching for bushmeat skyrockets, particularly in the counties of Wajir ...
Gatundu South MP Gabriel Kagombe has sent a message of condolence to the family of a boda boda rider who he is accused of ...
Ruto and Gachagua are enganging in a war of words that has left many wondering whether UDA will face the same fate as Jubilee ...
The government has declared war on one of its most troublesome house crows, announcing plans to eliminate one million house crows by the end of this year. The decision comes after years of grappling ...
Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition Leader, Raila Odinga delivered a fierce denunciation of the Finance Bill 2024 on Friday, ...
The government is tightening its grip on employee deductions and remittances, aiming to eliminate inaccuracies and ...
National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula and Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale have publicly differed on the impact of Western ...
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on Friday hit out at those labelling him a tribalist amidst his stance on the One Man, One ...
The National Assembly has approved a Ksh4 trillion budget funding for the upcoming 2024/2025 fiscal year starting July 1.