Chinese Premier Li Qiang touted trade and "friendship" as he started a tour of New Zealand and Australia, a rare visit that comes as both hosts grapple ...
US carmaker Ford said it would seek to cut another 1,600 jobs at its factory near Valencia in eastern Spain, where it already axed 1,100 positions ...
A new study published renewed concerns about the efficiency of carbon credits, which are bought by polluting industries like airlines ...
Portugal's prime minister has asked Portuguese emigrants in Switzerland to help strengthen economic relations between the two countries ...
The Athens Acropolis, Greece's most visited tourist site, was closed to the public during the hottest hours as the season's earliest-ever heatwave ...
Group of Seven leaders have agreed to provide Ukraine with $50 billion via the use of frozen Russian assets by the end of the year ...
Guotai Junan International Holdings Limited (Guotai Junan International, 01788.HK) recently announced that it had submitted its third annual Communication on Progress (CoP) to the United Nations ...
Omnichat introduced the data-driven Social CDP to establish an integrated WhatsApp marketing cycle, encompassing the ...
Dozens of demonstrators were injured in the Armenian capital Yerevan, after police fired stun grenades at an anti-government rally outside parliament ...
Hundreds of security forces fired teargas and water cannon at rioting demonstrators in Buenos Aires who were protesting Wednesday against proposed economic reforms, according to AFP reporters. Two ...
China's Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced that it has made 22 additions to its list of national-level tourist resorts ...