Some "unusual" cancers emerged during the pandemic, but is COVID to blame? ( Washington Post) Using routinely collected ...
An FDA advisory committee voted unanimously, 16-0, Wednesday to recommend that the COVID-19 vaccines for the 2024-2025 season ...
The committee will vote on two questions: whether available data show that donanemab effectively treats the Alzheimer's ...
HOUSTON -- Use of transvenous phrenic nerve stimulation (TPNS) was linked to a five-fold higher chance of better clinical ...
The CDC warned of a Salmonella outbreak linked to cucumbers that's so far sickened 162 people and hospitalized 54. A person ...
So the takeaway here for people in the community is that if you're suffering from undiagnosed respiratory symptoms, you need ...
Across 24 randomized trials involving patients with locally advanced or metastatic disease, ARSI therapy was associated with ...
With lots of devices in development -- including transseptal devices Sapien M3, HighLife Valve, Cephea, Intrepid, and ...
HOUSTON -- A liberal oxygen intervention to induce hyperoxia improved respiratory disturbances in post-operative patients ...
Among older adults with hypertension, at least one weekly vigorous exercise session was associated with a lower risk of ...
Low-dose radiotherapy for a slow-growing stomach lymphoma achieved near-perfect disease control with no severe toxicity, a ...