The Government's own fiscal watchdog the IFAC is warning a giveaway budget in 2025 could overheat the economy.
In the last in a series of articles, Newstalk is bringing you local election snapshots in the run-up to the elections on June ...
There were 1,100 excess deaths during the pandemic years of 2020 and 2021, according to a new report from the Society of ...
Penalty points should be increased "to make an example" of those found guilty of road offences, the Irish Road Victims ...
The rising crime rates may not be reflective of an actual increase in crime, according to a former detective. The Irish ...
Drug companies Moderna and Merck say a vaccine treatment for the skin cancer melanoma has an overall survival rate of 96% ...
Taoiseach Simon Harris confirmed the terms of reference for a COVID Inquiry could be finalised in the coming weeks ...
Night owls and early risers should be able to choose their work schedule, according to a leading doctor in genetics.
Penalty points are “severe enough right now,” according to Tánaiste Micheál Martin who speaking on an RSA proposal to double points.
Luas, the Irish word for 'speed', began operating on June 20th in 2004 with the opening of the Green Line in Dublin ...
Processed foods should come with health warnings as they cause people to overeat, according to a leading gut health expert.
X, formerly known as Twitter, has said it will now allow users to share consensual “adult nudity or sexual behaviour”.