UNRWA has called for all violations against the UN, including attacks on its buildings in the Gaza Strip, to be investigated.
A recent poll has shown that a majority of Germans do not support Israel’s ongoing military assault on the Gaza Strip. As ...
Gaza's Ministry of Health called on the international community to provide electricity generators to prevent a major health ...
Israeli forces committed new massacres in the Gaza Strip and prevented the civil defense from reaching the targeted sites.
At least 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza have contracted infectious diseases due to the displacement caused by the Israeli ...
Inheriting the wealth of notorious Sheldon Adelson, she is now the 6th richest female billionaire in the United States.
It will be remembered that the Palestinian winning strategy has been predicated on simple but effective logic.
Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir says the “occupation, settlement and encouragement of migration” was a solution for Gaza.
Two sources told Axios that during a meeting of Israel’s security cabinet ahead of the talks in Egypt, “Netanyahu said he ...
The Columbia Law Review (CLR) took down its entire website after the publication of an article on the Nakba by a Palestinian ...
Slovenia has become the latest European Union country to recognize a Palestinian state, following in the steps of Ireland, ...
Nine out of 10 children in the Gaza Strip are experiencing severe food poverty, according to the United Nations Children’s ...