The 19th Century Dutch Prime Minister and theologian, Abraham Kuyper, developed the theory known as the ‘sovereignty of the ...
Always be suspicious of an expert report that appears to serve a crude ideological purpose. Always be on the lookout for the big lie dressed up in the language of science. On May ...
Day, King George VI and his Prime Minister Winston Churchill were caught up in an unseemly private squabble. Both men wished ...
The Tories are pledging to reshape our homicide laws if they win re-election. There could, as in many US states, be ...
There is a very big problem with Jeremy Hunt’s Family Home Tax Guarantee, though which he promises a Conservative government ...
Politics took a back seat on Thursday as the great and good of the British establishment marked the 80th anniversary of the D ...
Not content with being a referee and leader of the Tories in Scotland, Douglas Ross seems bent on making himself even more ...
The month of June has arrived and, once again, the godless groomers in our society want to attack what is decent, holy, and ...
Today is the deadline for Conservative candidates to be selected – and one man made it just under the wire. Richard Holden, ...
It’s been a long hard slog for Keir Starmer and his team as they work to prove that he leads a Changed Labour party (honest).
It’s official. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has no binding legal power over nations, despite its post-pandemic power ...
In Competition 3352 you were invited to submit a passage about snatching victory from the jaws of defeat, or vice versa.