HARRISBURG — Pennsylvania lawmakers are entering into budget season with the joint goal of making it more affordable to ...
A water company in Centre County continues to operate despite leaks, outages, low pressure, lengthy boil advisories, and ...
Despite leaks, outages, and violations of state policy, Rock Spring Water Company has continued operating in this rural ...
The Pennsylvania health system recently suspended abdominal transplants at Hershey Medical Center amid a federal review.
A new lawsuit claims Pennsylvania’s mail ballot dating rule violates the state constitution’s free and equal elections clause ...
Democrat Eugene DePasquale and Republican Dave Sunday each spent more than $300,000 on their primaries. Both campaigns are ...
Chester, Lawrence, and Lehigh Counties dedicated a total of $195,600 in settlement money to support the work of coroners.
The university’s use of executive sessions to discuss Beaver Stadium renovations raises Sunshine Act concerns, media law ...
Erin McClelland raised nearly as much as she did during her entire primary campaign for Pennsylvania treasurer.
Democrats continued to vote on behalf of a lawmaker after police issued a warrant for his arrest, leading Republicans to ...
Across this country, a small number of billionaire owners and mega-corporations have a grip on our community media outlets — ...
The Pennsylvania government refuses to pay local stormwater fees, but state lawmakers advance bill mandating its fair share.