Scientists should focus on the interactions between T and B cells to find better treatments for autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, according to a new study from the University of ...
Some canine breeding practices are leading to animal welfare issues which are in contravention of the Animal Welfare Act, 2006.
The study also found that complex environmental problems, such as initiatives to help suppliers reduce waste, can distract ...
At the School of Veterinary Medicine, we aim to inspire and educate veterinary professionals who will advance veterinary medicine to meet the needs of a changing world. We’re home to world-class ...
A Surrey vet is part of a team that will row unsupported around the British coastline to collect data on microplastic ...
One of the report’s starkest findings was that new wind farms can produce energy much more cheaply than new nuclear power stations.
Larger classrooms appeared to be better ventilated than smaller ones. Crucially, where schools were near busy roads, classrooms on upper floors or further from the roads had less fine particle ...
School of Literature and Languages. Patricia Pulham is Professor of Victorian Literature and currently President of the British Association for Victorian Studies (BAVS). At Surrey, Patricia is Head of ...
Every year we welcome a number of nursing and veterinary science students from our partner institutions to do a clinical placement in a local Surrey hospital or local veterinary practices under ...
The Centre for Doctoral Training in AI for Digital Media Inclusion combines the world-leading expertise of the Surrey Institute for People-Centred AI at the University of Surrey, a pioneer in AI ...
The best way to get to know the University of Surrey is to experience it. Our open day on Saturday 22 June is now open for booking!
The best way to get to know the University of Surrey is to experience it. Our open day on Saturday 22 June is now open for booking!