Why would anyone want to stage a work like The Merry Widow in this day and age? Silly question. It’s the music, stupid. Of ...
Viggo Mortensen has parlayed film stardom into the life of a hard-working, bohemian-minded gentleman scholar. His Lord of the ...
Stéphanie Di Giusto, who directed the Belle Époque arts biopic La Danseuse, about the groundbreaking Paris Opera performer ...
Success in running a large and expanding dance-house enterprise requires knowing when to play safe and when to play with fire ...
Alice Childress’s Wedding Band has arrived at the Lyric Hammersmith like an incendiary bomb, a weapon that casts a bright ...
But safe to say I moved in different circles from this cast of characters, the upper crust of Scottish private schools and ...
At 81, John Cale, an immensely prolific, wide-ranging and innovative musician, continues to take risks, making music that may ...