The British auction house Semley Auctioneers in Dorset had listed 18 skulls for sale, setting guide prices between about $255 ...
A 50-year old witch doctor has been handed a seven-year jail term for being in possession of three human skulls and blood in ...
The study examined two ancient skulls that reveal significant findings about the medical challenges and innovations of that ...
Its foundations were rumoured to contain human skulls and a huge hole was blasted out of it in WWII. But it survived – and ...
A new show explores how some global cultures judge the bones of cherished herds and outrageous plumage as equally ...
The first trailer for Doom: The Dark Ages was shown early on in the Xbox Games Showcase. It showed the Slayer in a medieval ...
S urgeons in ancient Egypt may have attempted to treat cancer by cutting away tumors on patients’ skulls, new research shows.
Skulls with lesions show evidence of surgical intervention.
Last week we had Skulls 2024, where a blitz of Warhammer related updates and additions to top games currently on the market ...
Two skulls from ancient Egypt appear to show marks left by cancerous tumors -- and one of the skulls appears to have markings that indicate an attempt at surgery to remove them.
Voodoo Glow Skulls are known for their mix of hardcore, metal, and ska. While they didn’t necessarily invent such a blend of genres, they were certainly one of the most notable acts to do so in the ...
Ancient Egyptians attempted to operate on excessive tissue growth or learn more about cancerous disorders after a patient's ...