Our most recent flu pandemic—2009’s H1N1 “swine flu”—was, in absolute terms, a public-health crisis. By scientists’ best ...
Former Manchester City and England defender, Micah Richards, 35, answers our health quiz  Can you run up stairs? Of course. I ...
Swine flu, also known as H1N1, is a viral infection resembling the respiratory infection pigs get. In 2009, an H1N1 pandemic ...
We’re now a couple of years post-pandemic, and as we enter flu season in South Africa (also known as winter!), it’s important ...
What you need to know to understand H5N1, H5N2 and the different strains of flu circulating now, and what the government ...
Millions of fertilized hen eggs are the main ingredient in making vaccines to protect people against the outbreak of a new ...
Even as the United States grapples with an outbreak of H5N1 flu in dairy cattle, the World Health Organization has announced ...
The most likely explanation, say experts, is that it’s a coincidence – but only genetic sequencing data will confirm ...
Health experts have urged citizens to take precautionary steps that include wearing face masks in public, social distancing and avoiding crowded areas.
The current flu season in South Africa has seen many anecdotal accounts of a flu strain more severe than previous years.
A man in Mexico has died after contracting the first lab-confirmed human infection with H5N2 bird flu. It’s unclear how the ...