In an election year effort to put Republicans on record on reproductive rights issues, Senate Democrats are holding a vote ...
Republicans slammed a bill being considered by the Senate Wednesday afternoon, claiming their Democratic counterparts are ...
The Right to Contraception Act aims to protect reproductive rights as conservatives move to outlaw abortion and put in-vitro ...
Gov. Glenn Youngkin says Virginia will abandon California’s stringent vehicle emissions rules aimed at reducing carbon ...
Senate Transporation Committee including digital driver’s licenses and a new way of hiring the commissioner of the Division ...
Washington Democratic Sen. Patty Murray said during the hearing restrictions and bans on abortion access in some states have deprived women of the chance to make private choices about their medical ...
As Trump and his acolytes do everything they can to delegitimize the nation’s judicial systems and the rule of law they are ...
White House says Joe Biden supports the Right to Contraception act, which the Democratic-led Senate is expected to vote on ...
Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV) speaks with Chris Jansing on the importance of access to and the freedom to obtain contraceptives ...
In one Washington district that has elected white, male Democrats for 60 years, Democratic primary voters are choosing ...
The Senate has stepped down the consideration of the N98.5bn Federal Capital Territory Supplementary Appropriation Bill, 2024 ...