Poster of Wang Ningjing's short film, Immaculate. [Photo provided to China Daily] Wang Ningjing's film documents her journey ...
Many scientists believe the red-eyed tree frog developed its vivid scarlet peepers to shock predators into at least briefly questioning their meal choice. These iconic rain-forest amphibians sleep ...
A video posted by the Instagram account @jjsnakes showcases a dramatic encounter in nature, showing a 2-Striped Garter snake ...
The green-eyed tree frog has adapted its appearance to blend in with the moss-covered rain forests of Queensland, Australia. The frogs' coloration and markings vary with their specific habitat ...
Japan's Environment Ministry has told NHK that an alien frog species is believed to be rapidly expanding its habitat on a ...
AZoLifeSciences on MSNمہینہ 2
‎Tree Frogs Choose Warmth Over Height for Eggs‎
Tree frogs employ a combination of techniques when constructing their nests. The frogs construct their nests on tree branches ...
Join KFRI's Monsoon Croaks Bioblitz to document Kerala's frog species, promoting biodiversity conservation through citizen ...
Oops you can't see this activity! To enjoy the CBeebies website at its best you will need to have JavaScript turned on. For more help please visit the CBeebies Grown ...
The authors also suggest that other frogs with spines in the head region could be studied to identify whether they too are venomous. These include the spiny-headed tree frog (Anotheca spinosa) and ...
Chytrid fungus has contributed to “dramatic population declines in at least 501 amphibian species, including 90 extinctions, ...
Figure 3: The same juvenile American tree frog as in Figs. 1 and 2, showing a swollen, ecchymotic left front leg that extends from its scapular to toes. We decided to treat this frog with topical ...
Frogs obtain water through their skin – you’ll never see a frog drinking – and also breathe through their skin. Peron’s tree frog (Litoria peronii) is one of the common species in which pesticides ...