The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) said on Wednesday that it is “alarmed” by the safety of 31 migrants trapped in Cyprus’ buffer zone, after two weeks of migrants being forced to stay there and being ...
The UN refugee agency has been accused of "undermining Rwanda's welcoming policy" and lying in its latest attempt to block Britain's plan to deport undocumented migrants to Rwanda.
Israel was charged with "extermination . . . murder, forcible transfer, and torture and inhuman and cruel treatment" among other accusations.
In a ceremonial signing and exchange of notes on Tuesday in Pasay City, the Japanese government granted aid amounting to ¥858 ...
Rwanda said the U.N. refugee agency had lied when the organisation told a British court this week that asylum seekers sent to ...
MOGADISHU, June 12 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said Wednesday that Somalia is hosting 39,286 registered refugees and asylum seekers as of May.
The government decision stipulates that all aid and services for displaced people will be halted and the camps closed by July ...
In a sub-basement beneath UNHCR’s wedge-shaped headquarters in Geneva, a vast warren of rolling stack shelves contains the physical archives of the UN Refugee Agency’s more than 70 years of operation.
The ongoing infighting in Sudan has so far forced 10 million people to internal displacement as the country risks famine, the ...
The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has expressed deep concern over the rapidly escalating humanitarian crisis in the Sahel Region.
Rwanda's asylum system is still inadequate, the United Nations refugee agency said on Monday as it was given permission to ...