Still Life with Geraniums has this incredible floral textile that bends and twists all through the center of the painting. He certainly put as much love and personality into these still lives, whether ...
5 things to do in the garden this week: 1. You can test the drainage of any soil by digging a hole 1 foot deep and filling it with water. If the soil drains within four hours, you have decent ...
5 things to do in the garden this week: 1. You can test the drainage of any soil by digging a hole 1 foot deep and filling it with water. If the soil drains within four hours, you have decent drainage ...
Bronze speckling, necrotic spots, and leaf edge necrosis on the bottom leaves of geraniums are caused by excessive iron and manganese in the leaves. This occurs when the pH drops to below 5.5 and iron ...
Origin: This is an extremely widespread amphidromous species found in freshwater, brackish water and the oceans from Polynesia to East Africa. Museum specimens have been recorded from Indonesia, ...
The plants we know as geraniums aren’t actually geraniums. If you point to a geranium at a garden shop, you're actually probably identifying a Pelargonium, a member of a group of plants that have ...
Commonly called a mosquito plant, citronella is in the Geraniaceae family. It's a cross between a rose-scented geranium and Citronella grass (Cymbopogon nardus), a tall grass with a lemony fragrance.