Unlocking the full potential of your virtual machines can significantly enhance productivity, especially when using USB devices. For users leveraging Microsoft’s Hyper-V for virtualization, one of ...
First of all, we need to enable Hyper-V to get Hyper-V Manager on the computer. If you have already done that, you can skip this step. To enable Hyper-V on a Windows computer, follow the steps ...
I have some software (written in-house) that I want to run in a Hyper-V VM, hosted on Win11 Pro. The VM is running Win10 Pro. The software licensing fails, because it can't see a hdd model or serial ...
Currently, VMWare Workstation and VirtualBox are the most popular tools for setting up virtual machines, though Hyper-V isn't too far behind. While it's not available on the Home edition of Windows 11 ...