At the bus station in Agadez, a town in northern Niger that serves as a gateway to the Sahara, a dozen men – their faces ...
A petition has been forwarded to the National Assembly, demanding that the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency, NIMASA, establish skills acquisition centres in its operational areas in ...
The Minister of Niger Delta Development, Abubakar Momoh, has reaffirmed the federal government’s dedication to ending unrest in the Niger Delta region through inclusive and sustainable ...
A coalition of fifteen African countries, the Economic Community of West African States has rejected a proposal by Niger's military junta to hold elections within three years. Talking to Al Jazeera, ...
She went back on that decision after reaching an agreement with the Speaker of the Niger State Assembly, Abdulmalik Sarkin-Daji, who supported the mass wedding, for the young women to have ...
For most families, that's going to mean unlimited data from one of the best unlimited data plans. And while you may fret that unlimited data could drive up the amount of your bill, these days, the ...
The Minister of Women Affairs, Uju Kennedy -Ohanenye, has withdrawn a suit earlier filed against the speaker of the Niger State House of Assembly, Abdulmalik Sarkindaji over his plans to marry off ...
US and Nigerien leaders continued high-level talks Friday on plans to withdraw all American military forces from the country, a US military official told VOA. Our Pentagon correspondent Carla Babb ...
U.S. and Nigerien leaders have agreed to a phased withdrawal of American forces from Niger “as soon as it’s feasible in the coming months,” another U.S. official told VOA on Thursday.
Why is Niger state going backwards? A Speaker and 100 weddings Speaker lashes minister for opposing plan to marry off 100 girls Proposed mass wedding: Your approach is wrong - Niger speaker fires ...
Demonstrators in Agadez, Niger, demand the withdrawal of U.S. troops during a protest in late April. (Issifou Djibo/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock) A U.S. delegation will ...