As temperatures continue to rise, it's crucial to understand how this warming trend will impact our summer and winter seasons ...
Around 591 million years ago, Earth’s magnetic field almost collapsed. The near-disaster may have contributed to the ...
The UK is building a satellite that will provide an early-warning system for possibly dangerous space weather. The European ...
This contract represents a significant leap in securing Europe sustainable access to Low Earth Orbit (LEO). The vehicle and associated ground infrastructure will be compatible with the evolution ...
British engineers will lead the development of a new satellite to monitor the Sun for the energetic outbursts it sends ...
Tourists normally have to pay big money and brave cold climates for a chance to see an aurora, but last weekend many people around the world simply had to look up to see these colourful displays ...
Le directeur financier de Brilliant Earth Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:BRLT), Jeffrey Chuenhong Kuo, a vendu un total de 19 729 dollars d'actions de la société, selon un récent dépôt auprès de la SEC. La ...
DÉCRYPTAGE - Le télescope James Webb de la Nasa a permis d’identifier la présence d’une enveloppe gazeuse autour d’une «superterre» située à 41 années-lumière.
Le chiffre d'affaires net est resté stable à 97,3 millions de dollars. Le total des commandes a augmenté de 13,7 % d'une année sur l'autre, les commandes répétitives ayant augmenté de plus de 20 %.