Hyderabad: As the world commemorates the anniversary of World War II, Hyderabad’s crucial contributions to the Allied’s war ...
Ever-dwindling numbers of World War II veterans and Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine make this anniversary ...
There are still several British judges sitting as non-permanent overseas judges ... The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
I have twice had the privilege of visiting the American cemetery in Colleville-sur-Mer, a tree-lined sanctuary nestled along ...
As young soldiers they waded ashore in Normandy through gunfire to fight the Nazis. A dwindling number of World War II ...
Statues of military figures could be removed from a Glasgow square over their links to slavery. The council launched a review ...
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services will hold a naturalization ceremony at the Bunker Hill Monument. Seventy-five new citizen candidates will be sworn in and receive a Passport to their ...
Use precise geolocation data and actively scan device characteristics for identification. This is done to store and access ...
British paratroopers had to get passports checked after D-Day event jump into France - More than 300 troops parachuted into ...
On Thursday, a dwindling number of World War II veterans in a parade of wheelchairs joined a new generation of leaders to ...
Among the 150,000 soldiers who landed on and fought across the Normandy beaches on June 6, 1944, were 1,000 members of a new, ...
There was a contemporary twist for British paratroopers, who parachuted into the historic D-Day drop zone in Normandy to recreate the airborne part of the battle to ...