Projected results from France put far-right Le Pen's party around 33 percent, with 31 seats in the incoming European ...
Casting his vote in the Flanders region, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, whose country holds the EU’s rotating ...
Voters across the European Union have been voting on the final day of European parliamentary elections to choose their ...
Emmanuel Macron’s allies left far behind in second place in race that is closely-watched in France and around Europe. ...
The French far right headed by Jordan Bardella is projected to grab more than the combined total of the second and third ...
PARIS (AP) — French President Emanuel Macron dissolves National Assembly, calls new legislative election after defeat in EU vote.
The party of Marine Le Pen dominated the polls in France, with her National Rally party standing at just over 30% or about ...
Vladimir Putin is not going to stop with war in Ukraine, US president Joe Biden said in France, pledging to support Europe ...
“Emmanuel Macron is tonight a weakened ... France is electing 81 members of the European Parliament, which has 720 seats in ...
Tens of millions of people across the European Union are voting in parliamentary elections in a massive exercise of democracy that is expected to shift the bloc to the right and redirect its future.
Since Thursday, nearly 400 million citizens in the EU's 27 member states have had the chance to elect 750 members to the ...