Sinn Fein and Alliance MLAs refused to raise an objection to a new law which could add significant costs to the recycling ...
For many Germans, it was the first time they felt they could wave the flag unburdened by the country’s dark past. As Germany ...
This latest maneuvering by the German flag carrier is being seen as a way to diffuse growing tensions over the deal that ...
Even at the polling booths, Braun was not without controversy when he asked the election commission to remove an EU flag that had been placed next to the ballot box. Bulgaria's early parliamentary ...
With the European Parliament elections now under way, millions of EU citizens are finalizing their decisions about which ...
Far-right parties in Eastern Europe did not do as well as predicted by the polls. Poland, Slovakia and Hungary delivered the ...
Türkiye and the European Union mutually need each other for various reasons and it is disheartening to see no progress being ...
Many Bulgarians were surprised to discover that a hitherto unknown party called “Greatness” (Velichie) was on the ballot ...
Early results indicate that populist, far-right parties may have increased influence in European policymaking over the next ...
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The EU will sign a contract on Tuesday to secure over 40 million doses of a preventative avian flu vaccine for 15 countries with the first shipments heading to Finland, EU ...
BRUSSELS — Europe’s nationalist parties capitalized in the European Parliament election on voter disquiet over spiraling prices, migration and the cost of the green transition and will now seek to ...
An influx of Russians into Georgia has stoked fears of war. Many also fear it could hurt Georgia's chances of gaining ...