Eco Wave Power received funding from the European Union Regional Development Fund, Innovate UK and the European Commission's Horizon 2020 framework program. The Company has also received the 'Global ...
Prime Minister Donald Tusk described the hacking attack as part of Russia’s attempts to destabilise the European Union ahead ...
Law obliges organisations getting over 20 percent of funding from overseas to register as ‘agents of foreign influence’.
Expert Council on Climate Issues, which has independent authority to judge the country's climate performance, said Germany is ...
Drivers have been given a final warning as mandatory speed limiters are set to be installed on all cars sold from July. A new ...
Following a cyber attack, possibly by Russia, on Polish state news agency PAP on Friday, Poland wants to invest more in cyber ...
The speaker of Georgia's parliament said he signed into law Monday a divisive measure that has drawn weeks of protests by ...
Nigel Farage will make an “emergency” general election announcement today - sparking speculation he could be running for parliament.
Analysis - The punitive measures reflect a history of major EU investment in Ethiopia's migration governance - with few results.
A top Vatican cardinal has urged European voters to remember their own migratory roots in showing sympathy to people forced ...
Lack of demand signals from ship operators and fuel suppliers is holding back investment in e-fuels for shipping, a new study ...