US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is set to travel to the Middle East next week, in his latest attempt to push for an end ...
Ammon News - As the Israeli genocidal aggression on the Gaza Strip entered its 246th day ... with the vast majority of the ...
Egypt and Qatar, the White House said, where he will discuss with partners the need to reach a cease-fire agreement that ...
At the conference, co-organized by Jordan, Egypt, and the United Nations, Subianto said he would coordinate ... Prior to the ...
Site in Beirut originally established for 500 families but is now home to 18,000 Palestinians and 40,000 Syrians ...
Keep updated, follow The Business Standard's Google news channel "The Secretary will discuss how ... Palestinians to return to their neighbourhoods." Talks mediated by Egypt, Qatar and others to ...
A month after rumbling into Rafah in what Israel said was an assault to wipe out Hamas' last intact combat units, tank-led forces have advanced to the southwest fringes of the city that skirts the ...
GAZA STRIP (AFP) - Israeli forces bombarded a Gaza refugee camp Friday after a deadly strike on a UN school there, as the war ...
Eight months to the day since the Israel-Hamas war erupted in Gaza, the UN labour agency, ILO, warned on Friday that families ...
In Middle East capitals, at the United Nations, from the White House and beyond, the Biden administration is making its most ...
As the war between Israel and Hamas continues to rage, the Israeli military bombed another United Nations-run school in ...
The announcement comes just one day after international scrutiny over an Israeli airstrike on a school in central Gaza, where ...