Enright, a 13-year veteran at the company, was responsible for leading the team for safeguarding user data and implementing ...
Google parent Alphabet has poached Anat Ashkenazi from pharmaceutical firm Eli Lilly to serve as its next chief financial ...
Google’s AI feature bumped my article down on the results page, but the new AI Overview at the top still referenced it. What ...
Discover the power of AI in Google Ads creative features. Stay ahead of the game with new capabilities for Search, Shopping, ...
New research by BrightEdge offers a snapshot of the kinds of queries that tend to show Google AI Overviews (AIO ... The big ...
Since Google overhauled its search engine, publishers have tried to assess the danger to their brittle business models while ...
Google search is getting worse. There are a number of alternative search engines out there. None are perfect, in my opinion, ...
How Google organizes the web has been one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of the internet. The black box was finally ...
Last week, Google sent a cashier's check to the US government that it claimed in a court filing covers "every dollar the United States could conceivably hope to recover" in damages during the ...
To run or not to run? That is the big question facing William Haggas and one that is answered by the panel in this week's edition of The Front Page. Peter Scargill assesses Economic's devastating ...