In the wake of mass pro-Palestine protests on campus, students and faculty in the divestment movement expressed concerns ...
Israeli military officials unveiled a new combat unit designed to counter terror attacks originating from the Gaza Strip and ...
A global human rights group accused Israel of using white phosphorus incendiary shells on residential buildings in at least ...
Israeli participants in a nationalist march through a Palestinian area of Jerusalem chanted “Death to Arabs” on Wednesday, ...
A secret social media influence campaign that attempted to lobby US lawmakers to support Israel’s war on Gaza was organized ...
A gunman who attacked the U.S. embassy near Beirut was shot and captured by Lebanese soldiers after a Wednesday morning ...
Israeli police officers separate Israelis and Palestinians in a street in the Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City, shortly ...
The Israeli military said it has started “operational activity” in two areas of central Gaza in a possible broadening of its ...
Three rusty water-trucks stand at the edge of Kibbutz Malkiya, on Israel’s border with Lebanon; little bigger than a family ...
Amid rising tension between Israel and Lebanon, Israeli officials say they will soon decide on a course of action that has ...
Albania is building two migrant centers to shelter asylum-seekers rescued from international waters each month, giving Italy ...
Democrat Nasser Beydoun is asking the Michigan Court of Appeals to order his name placed on the ballot for the Democratic ...