Taking a quick look at it, you'll say you've seen similar cats in your backyard. However, it is not. This cat is not just ...
The 32nd anniversary of the adoption of the Act of Declaration of Independence of South Ossetia was celebrated in Tskhinval ...
President of South Ossetia Alan Gagloev met with the deputies of the parliament of the first convocation, who adopted the Act ...
As Fakt reports, these countries have strong ties with Russia and have the Kremlin's military bases there. In Armenia, ...
Former Russian convicts have formed a gang in Ukraine's occupied territory and robbed civilians at gunpoint. Source: Russian ...
The foreign agents bill has been fiercely opposed in the streets of Tbilisi and by opposition parties, with fights breaking ...
Georgia wants to become an EU member by 2030, along with South Ossetia and Abkhazia, which are currently under Russian ...
The West has hit out at the law as Kremlin-inspired and authoritarian, with protesters calling for it to be dropped ...
A united, strong Georgia should be a full-fledged member of the European family by 2030,' says Irakli Kobakhidze - Anadolu ...
The ongoing war in Ukraine has created what Carnegie scholars describe as an 'arc of instability' between Russia and the ...
Many Georgians are deeply suspicious of Russia and angry about its ongoing occupation of the regions of Abkhazia and South ...
The former Soviet republic of Georgia has been rocked by mass protests over a new "foreign agent" law that targets ...