Under Emmanuel Macron, “culinary diplomacy” is back on the menu, with a lavish dinner fortifying an old alliance at a tense ...
President Joe Biden is being fêted by a close ally Saturday as French President Emmanuel Macron hosts his US counterpart for ...
Bethany Joy Lenz plays a woman who drops everything to move to Paris in pursuit of a cheese, and a new life, that sparks joy.
The visit kicked off with a grand ceremony at the Arc de Triomphe. Both leaders were accompanied by their wives, Brigitte ...
President Joe Biden is being feted by French President Emmanuel Macron with a state visit this weekend in Paris ...
Biden and Macron, 46, are set to deliver joint remarks to the press at 9:45 a.m. EST before going to the formal state dinner.
The state visit began with a ceremony at the Arc de Triomphe, including a wreath-laying at France's tomb of the unknown ...
The structure of rings will be displayed on the south side of the 135-year-old landmark in central Paris, overlooking the ...
PARIS (AP) — President Joe Biden said France was America’s “first friend” at its founding and is one of its closest allies ...
A roadmap to follow for the tennis competition at the Paris Olympics: —Rafael Nadal, Spain: He already owns gold medals in ...