New Zealand's retired archbishop of Wellington has been cleared to return to ministry following a Vatican inquiry into an ...
triggering lively protests from bishops and cardinals. At the same time, however, the director of the film, Evgeny Afineevsky ...
When Louisville and Kentucky meet on the hardwood this season, two new head coaches will be on the sidelines. Pat Kelsey is ...
ROME—Pope Francis has appointed two cardinals and an archbishop as new members of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith ...
A prayer service in the Vatican Gardens marked the 10th anniversary of the 2014 “prayer for peace in the Holy Land.” ...
Pope Francis gathered the Israeli and Palestinian ambassadors to the Vatican Gardens on Friday to pray for an end to the war in Gaza, marking the 10th ...
One in five young Nepalis in Hong Kong has been brought back to Nepal by their parents due to financial problems. China sends Tibetan water to the Maldives, while rationing it i ...
Once upon a time, Italy was a great exporter of missionaries. Today, however, according to data from the Italian bishops’ ...
Both the Israeli and Palestinian envoys to the Holy See have applauded Pope Francis’s prayer for peace in the Vatican gardens ...
The event recreated the first such encounter Francis hosted in the gardens this time 10 years ago, when he welcomed Israel’s ...
From the Hawks at the top of the NBA Draft to the Knicks and 76ers in free agency, fans around the league are looking for ...
Pope Francis convened Israeli and Palestinian ambassadors in the Vatican Gardens, praying for an end to the Gaza conflict and ...