The 9-month-old twins cried nonstop and tugged at their mother, seeking attention but also food. “Not much milk comes out,” ...
Ruben Garcia founded Annunciation House to shelter the neediest immigrants — the undocumented. Texas officials say his work encourages illegal migration.
A U.S.-backed initiative to build climate-resilient food systems in Africa is now expanding to Central America, bringing a ...
In a community center in East London, about 20 men gathered for their regular lunch meeting, sipping coffee and tea from ...
We need to talk about what bombs do in war. Bombs shred flesh. Bombs shatter bones. Bombs dismember. Bombs cause brains, ...
Guatemala, Israel and Mongolia. In Colorado alone, Rich founded the Community Resource Center, the Colorado Nonprofit Association (with more than 1,700 members), and the Colorado Coalition to Save ...
No other industry — not even Big Pharma or Big Oil — can match its power in shaping policy and dominating spending.
Spiritually evolving, she hiked the mountains of then Yugoslavia in 1990 with her children by her side, in search of ‘The “visionaries” of Medjugorje.’ She was also instrumental in a movement to “Save ...
and undocumented children already were covered under the state's Child Health Plus program. Insuring the remaining adults ...
Six months ago, they left their home in Guatemala City, where they lived in fear of gang violence, walked and rode buses to the Juarez-El Paso border, crossed, and requested asylum. A community church ...
It takes a lot to shock Kelvin Lay. My friend and colleague was responsible for setting up Africa's first dedicated child ...