Germany's Boris Pistorius has said the country needs to prepare for a worst-case scenario regarding the specter of war in ...
A local candidate for the far-right AfD party was attacked with a knife in Mannheim. The victim was hospitalized and the ...
Surveys anticipate a decline in support for the Greens, who dominated the 2019 EU elections with strong backing from young ...
World leaders congratulate Prime Minister Narendra Modi as the NDA alliance led by his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) wins the ...
06/05/2024 June 5, 2024 Israeli anger mounts against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his right-wing government's ...
Electricity is a struggle in Pakistan: it's expensive and unreliable. Could turning to solar power help Pakistanis overcome ...
Israel has said it began "operational activity" in central Gaza on Wednesday as mediators prepared to push forward with cease ...
India's ruling BJP lost its outright majority in parliament in an unexpectedly close election result after a spirited ...
May capped a full year of monthly record-breaking temperatures. Globally, rising heat is causing hundreds of deaths, ...
China's growing influence appears to have some drawbacks in Latin America. Beijing has targeted countries like Guatemala and ...
As Myanmar's civil war disrupts daily life, illegal drug production is seen as an economic lifeline. The country is now the ...
As Narednra Modi begins his third term as prime minister, India's dispute with Pakistan on Kashmir and its friendly ties with ...