Steven Seagal wanted to bring his environmental advocacy to the big screen, but it would be fair to say the results were dire ...
In a past interview, bassist John Paul Jones discussed his relationship with his Led Zeppelin bandmates, revealing that they ...
The Canadian singer-songwriter Neil Young is a man of many voices, yet one can always tell when they’re listening to one of ...
The easiest way to marvel – pun possibly intended – at how long Hugh Jackman has been playing Wolverine is to look at the ...
Some of the greatest songwriters often have more tunes than they know what to do with. While some artists only write when the ...
Robert Pattinson broke out of his heartthrob wheelhouse by taking on a number of daring projects, with insane and difficult ...
Robert Downey Jr. has witnessed the highs and lows of celebrity, but very rarely has he been outright embarrassed by his work ...
Read our review of Viggo Mortensen's romantic western movie 'The Dead Don't Hurt', which sees Mortensen star alongside Vicky ...
Hamish Hawk and Villagers cast a spell at Wylam Brewery on Wednesday. Stripped-back acoustic and full-band jazz made for ...
Compromises were always a hurdle in Fleetwood Mac, but Stevie Nicks thought that these acts were pivotal in shaping her solo ...
One of the most revered forces in modern rock, Dave Grohl's love of The Beatles is well-documented. Here he names the John ...
Michael Caine once shared his admiration for a co-star he worked with on a Christopher Nolan film, deeming him "absolutely ...