美國「第一公子」韓特.拜登(Hunter Biden)予人放蕩形骸形象,3日因不當陳述購槍案出庭,而他過去與控罪相關,以及毒品、槍枝、親密關係和第一家庭的祕辛情節,預料將在法庭揭露。
學術界用組織行為或是黃仁勳的成長軌跡,解釋他的嚴苛管理風格。但2度讓英特爾起死回生的「矽谷之父」、英特爾共同創辦人葛洛夫(Andy Grove)老早一語道破心路歷程,在這塊高速移動的市場上,「只有偏執狂得以倖存」。
「六四事件」的歷史敘事基本上是在民間層面進行。基於親歷者的口述、信件、回憶的材料,甚至難以證實的「原始文件」不斷秘密從內部流出,並相繼在海外出版。其中最有影響的莫過於《天安門文件》,該書一經出版,便引起轟動。然而直到今天,對於該書核心材料的真偽仍未有 ...
Ohio has ranked as one of the worst states in the country for dogs biting mail carriers in 2023, according to information released by the U.S. Postal Service last week. According to the USPS, Ohio was ...
The Dayton Police Department on Monday announced that it has placed police Sgt. Joseph Setty on unpaid leave while it conducts an administrative investigation into his conduct. Setty last week was ...
A man who pleaded guilty to charges connected to ramming two Kettering police cruisers during a traffic stop has been sentenced to probation. Alexander Love, 24, was sentenced by Montgomery County ...
Ochoa was arrested and taken into custody without incident. He was booked into Santa Barbara County Jail on suspicion of ...
Eric Mack, who has been a Tipp City government employee for more than a decade, will be the community's new city manager, effective June 29. Tipp City Council voted unanimously Monday night to hire ...
Kansas City leaders launched a new focused deterrence initiative to curb violence, inviting dozens of people associated with ...
A Fosston, Minnesota, woman had her first court appearance on Monday, June 3, in Pennington County, where she is accused of committing a first-degree controlled substance crime. Michelle Jean Laird, ...
A Grand Forks man, arrested over the weekend after allegedly attacking someone with a hatchet, had his initial appearance in court Monday, June 3, for eight criminal charges. Jayden Clark Lloyd, 21, ...
A Grand Forks man waived his Monday, June 3, preliminary hearing and pleaded not guilty to Class A felony attempted murder and two counts of Class C felony aggravated assault. Alexander Antonio ...