Humans are as dangerous to Earth as the meteorite that drove dinosaurs to extinction, the UN chief said Wednesday, urging an ...
Limited understanding of basic ocean processes is hindering progress in marine carbon dioxide removal, with the on-going ...
Phenotyping, which involves assessing observable plant characteristics, is crucial for understanding plant development and ...
In Hungary, ethological research is most often identified with tests on dogs, but novel methodological advances could bring ...
Researchers in Italy have unveiled the first successful application of commercial drones combined with artificial ...
Over the past century, the number of working women in Western countries has steadily increased. However, numerous studies ...
Many managers are currently seeking a balance between digital and face-to-face communication. A recent study from the ...
Seven to 9 billion tons of CO₂ per year must be sustainably removed from the atmosphere by mid-century if the world is to ...
Researchers have developed a safer, cheaper, better performing and more flexible battery option for wearable devices. A paper ...
Cyberattacks driven by artificial intelligence (AI) pose unprecedented risks to global economies, supply chains, and trade. A ...
A team of material scientists led by Jiang Li from Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Shanghai, ...