Reporters Without Borders (RSF) hails the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence as a ...
Depuis plus de deux ans, le paysage médiatique ukrainien subit de plein fouet les conséquences économiques de l’invasion à ...
In three years, Senegal has slipped from 49th to 94th place in RSF's World Press Freedom Index. As far as the right to ...
La rédactrice en chef d'un média en ligne mongol a récemment été arrêtée et poursuivie pour avoir enquêté sur des suspicions ...
The editor-in-chief of a Mongolian online media outlet was recently arrested, and is being prosecuted for investigating ...
The decision was announced on Wednesday February 19th by foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang, who said the journalists’ press cards were being withdrawn because the article contained “racially ...
Le réseau Sound Of Hope transmet des programmes qui se veulent indépendants de toute influence des autorités chinoises et qui reflètent les croyances des membres de Falun Gong ( photo : Sound Of Hope) ...
Reporters Without Borders today urged heads of state, heads of government and members of royal families to boycott the 8 August opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games because of the Chinese ...
Reporters sans frontières (RSF) met en garde les journalistes contre l’application smartphone destinée à la propagande du président chinois Xi Jinping, qui pourrait servir à les espionner. « Nous ...
“Press freedom must be defended everywhere in the world with the same energy and the same insistence,” Reporters Without Borders secretary-general Jean-François Julliard said today as his organisation ...
On 35th anniversary of Tiananmen, Circle 19 group launches landmark manifesto for the right to information in China In the spirit of resistance that has persisted 35 years after the Tiananmen movement ...
Indian Prime Minister Modi’s recent election victory occurred within a surprisingly tight media space, comprised of the State’s monopoly in radio news and highly concentrated regional newspaper ...