La Gambie a été classée avec des pays en proie à des conflits tels que le Niger, la Syrie et l’Afghanistan, tandis que Cuba, ...
The Scorpions will use their training sessions to prepare themselves fit enough for their global biggest football showpiece qualifier clash with Seychelles. The Scorpions are set to host Seychelles in ...
Wagadu FC were held to a 1-1 draw at home against struggling Jarra West during their week 28 fixture played at the Serrekunda ...
The Petroleum boys sat third-place on the country’s Elite League table with 44 points prior to their match with Banjul United ...
The duo were demoted to the country’s Second Tier after losing their final league matches. The Gambia Armed Forces lost to ...
The Tourism Diversification and Resilience in the Gambia Project (TDRGP) is a World Bank-funded project meant to evaluate and ...
Rohey Jonh-Manjang made these remarks as she recently led a delegation comprising partners such as: National Disaster ...
The event, held at TANGO conference hall, also serves as a catalyst to build partnership, mobilise resources and network.
The event which attracted students and teachers was held under theme –‘A Borderless Africa for All Africans. ’ Africa ...
The event, held at Bakadaji Hotel was also designed to highlight the crucial role of faith-based organisations in promoting ...
The distribution of plots at Kamalo Industrial Layout includes: 47 Gambians, 4 Mauritanians, 1 Moroccan, 7 Indians, and 1 ...
Mr. Dibba appeared before Principal Magistrate Muhammed Krubally at the Banjul Magistrate’s Court on a count of sedition ...