The question that is going through my mind is, once all the initial hysteria over the Trump trial verdicts has calmed ...
De Niro concludes his email with, “The bottom line, Derek, is that President Biden is our guy. He represents what this ...
Conservatives must understand that this is not the same media environment that most of us older Republicans grew up in. There ...
Trump contended that he never had a sexual liaison with Daniels and that there was nothing illegal about his payment to Cohen ...
Former President Donald Trump’s conviction last week on 34 felony charges for what would amount to at most a minor paperwork ...
The Democrats refuse to learn from the errors of their Trump prosecution and persecution. They will learn the hard way in ...
While all eyes are on Michigan’s statewide elections, the race for Michigan’s 7 th Congressional District is one of the top ...
Psychologist and Democrat Robert Epstein examined how much bias Google puts into its search results and how much that impacts ...
Don't miss the special release movie premiere of The Relentless Patriot on June 13, 2024. This moving portrayal of artistry ...
Both questions are silly because no one will be voting on the VP selection of President Trump. Donald Trump is the top of the ...
You Ain't Black
Joe Biden has gone from a 91% Black electorate support to polling of anywhere from 68 to 72%. That, ladies and gents, represents two torpedoes in the SS Biden-Harris, also known as Obama's third term.