A member of PIME, the missionary has promoted interfaith dialogue and peace between Christians and Muslims in Mindanao for 40 ...
Many people in Russia tried to honour his memory on June 4, his birthday. His Anti-Corruption Foundation remains an important ...
City authorities crack down on a practice that remains popular despite official bans on grounds of health and hygiene. In ...
Caritas Secretary General Alistair Dutton visits the refugee camps where Caritas Bangladesh has been active since 2017 ...
Giro di vite delle autorità cittadine su una pratica che resta diffusa nonostante i divieti ufficiali per ragioni ...
One in five young Nepalis in Hong Kong has been brought back to Nepal by their parents due to financial problems. China sends Tibetan water to the Maldives, while rationing it i ...
Le notizie del giorno: un giovane nepalese su cinque a Hong Kong è stato rimandato in Nepal dai genitori per problemi economici. Pechino manda acqua del Tibet alle Maldive, ma la raziona a Lhasa. Un ...
Missionario del PIme da quarant'anni promuove il dialogo interreligioso e la pace tra cristiani e musulmani a Mindanao.
Molte persone in Russia hanno cercato di onorare la sua memoria il 4 giugno, il giorno del suo compleanno. E il suo Fondo per ...
他接替了他的爱尔兰兄弟马尔罗伊(Tim Mulroy)神父担任该研究所的负责人,其目前的总部位于香港。该协会于1918 年由爱尔兰神父爱德华·高尔文(Edward Galvin)(在中国的传教士,与若望·弗雷泽(John ...
According to Prof Sebasti L. Raj, the BJP lost some key constituencies because it focused on religious issues rather than solve people’s real problems. The opposition is not a single bloc; to su ...
Bishkek and Tashkent ink a memorandum to connect Kashgar to Andijon. This will cut the freight journey to Europe and the ...