Although I’ve been a birder for nearly two decades, nothing had prepared me for experiencing a Sandhill Crane migration along Nebraska’s Platte River, one of the largest wildlife migrations on Earth.
Every February, count for as little as 15 minutes in your own backyard to help expand our understanding of birds. The Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) is a free, fun, and easy event that engages bird ...
Chapters enable Audubon members and others to meet and share an appreciation of their common interests. They create a culture of conservation in local communities through education and advocacy, ...
Biologist Ian Souza-Cole stands with his back to a balmy, manure-scented north wind sweeping over California’s San Joaquin Valley. It’s early May, and he is on a large dairy farm near the town of ...
Biologist Ian Souza-Cole stands with his back to a balmy, manure-scented north wind sweeping over California’s San Joaquin Valley. It’s early May, and he is on a large dairy farm near the town of ...
The cleverness of corvids has wowed scientists and casual birders for decades. Crows can use and even make tools, reason via analogies, and have been said to rival monkeys in cognitive capacity. They ...
The Colorado River is flowing again in its delta. While this is welcome news for birds and people, the long-term progress to keep the Colorado River alive in Mexico with habitat restoration and water ...
In environmental stories, humans are often cast as villains. They’re the greedy, destructive antagonists that despoil habitats and decimate species. Alessandra Vidal Meza, an Audubon Dangermond Fellow ...
MAY 24, 2024 (WASHINGTON) – The House Committee on Agriculture passed the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024, which now goes to the full House for a vote. Among other policies, the bill ...
Birds Canada has worked in partnerships to halt and reverse biodiversity loss, protect migratory birds, and strengthen ...
New Mexico’s rivers were recently named most endangered rivers in the country, but Audubon Southwest is working with partners to help improve the health and water in our rivers. The national ...
One of the largest wetlands found on the planet stretches across Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec. It is known as the Hudson Bay Lowlands, and 71,440 square kilometers (17,653,208 acres) of these ...